Own Bitcoin investments? Worried you’ll lose your funds or get hacked? Athena Alpha Pro publishes in-depth, mission critical resources once a week to help you keep your investments safe for decades.

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Very in-depth and well laid out covering EVERYTHING you could possibly want to know – Emerelle
So far so good. Filling me in on lots of small details that I’d not have picked up on otherwise – Robert H
They put everything very simply, following a logical order which is very applicable in practice – Carlos S
Athena Alpha Pro
Many have now lost their entire life savings because they saw Sam and FTX as a safe bet and they believed in him.
Rekt investor in FTX
If you want to securely buy, store and own bitcoins then, just like with a car, you need to invest some time into learning how it works at a basic level (accelerator pedal make car go forward). You need to learn what things to do (wear a seat belt) and what not to do (drink and drive).
If you’re too lazy to put in this effort that’s fine. But. You’ve seen the news headlines. You probably know someone that’s lost money – if not their life savings – in crypto already. It’s what happens to those that don’t learn from history.
The famous FTX ($10b+) collapse also isn’t a new or once off thing, it’s happened with Celsius ($1.2b), Three Arrows Capital ($3.5b), Voyager ($1.3b), LUNA ($2b+) and more and that is just in 2022! We have a whole list showcasing all the Crypto Exchange Bankruptcies right back to the very beginning of Bitcoin. This is the history people refuse to learn from.
Loss of funds is a very scary and serious issue for investors and in the crypto world it’s almost the default. There’s fantastic profits to be made everywhere with jets and lambos until… everything falls off a cliff and you get rekt.

This fear of having an exchange collapse, getting hacked, forgetting your seed phrase or a million other possible things is top of peoples minds when they start to invest and the biggest mistake you can make is thinking it won’t happen to you.
At least $1 billion of customer funds have vanished from collapsed crypto exchange FTX and over $48 billion has been lost to scammers globally
If you own bitcoins or are a serious investor who is looking to enter the crypto market and, like most, have this fear then Athena Alpha Pro is for you. Pro isn’t a get rich quick club that pretends you can buy some scam dog themed meme coin and then watch it “go to the moon” overnight and become a millionaire. That shit’s a complete lie and extremely hazardous to your wealth.
Instead Athena Alpha Pro provides top Bitcoin focused resources on how to buy, sell, use and store Bitcoin safely, giving you the knowledge and confidence you need to make smart investments and keep your coins safe for decades. Combined with an incredibly low cost (literally cents per day), it’s an affordable way to accelerate your Bitcoin journey and stay ahead of the scammers.
As an example, almost a full month before the collapse of the crypto exchange FTX that’s cost millions of retail investors billions of dollars, we alerted and fully outlined to our Pro subscribers why exchanges like FTX are a risk and what simple steps they can do to protect their wealth. Just this one piece of content alone helped our readers save thousands of dollars!
Really great content that goes into lots of details and has heaps of stuff I’ve never been told about before – Nava
Definitely learnt things I wouldn’t have known – Rose
Pro is written by Bitcoin experts that have decades of proven online teaching experience. With a long track record in online courses serving global customers of all ages and technical capabilities. We have taught literally hundreds of thousands of people from all around the world how to deal with their legacy finances. This experience is now being brought into the cutting-edge world of Bitcoin and Blockchain technologies to make sure you don’t get rekt. Our longstanding goal is to deliver 10 times the value of the subscription.
If you can’t commit $0.27 a day to learn how to buy, use, invest and grow wealthy, the future is bleak dude…
See for yourself: try a 30-day free trial and receive our Pro newsletter as it’s published, as well as access to the full archives. People will waste thousands on trips, booze, clothes, dog coins etc all while complaining they can’t get ahead. $50K on degrees that barely increase their earnings power? Who should I write the check to?! $100 a year to change your life forever and protect thousands of dollars worth of your hard earned money. Hmm is it worth the “risk”?
What Pro Includes
Pro subscribers receive First Class treatment

More Reasons To Subscribe
Safety: Athena Alpha prioritises the safety and security of its subscribers and their investments over everything else. We are financed only by you our readers, no share holders, crypto exchange advertisers or other financing sources that cause conflicts of interest. We do not track you or store any of your data, you can even subscribe completely anonymously via Bitcoin.
Expertise: Get access to the knowledge and insights of seasoned experts across multiple disciplines that all centre around Bitcoin. While we focus on Bitcoin, we have real world experience ranging from software development to telecommunications networks to over a decade teaching people online how to navigate their finances.
ROI: Stop wasting your time and money and instead maximise your returns by making smart, informed decisions in the crypto market. Athena Alpha Pro can easily pay for itself ten times over just by helping you know what to do and what not to do. It will help you identify key investment paths as well as avoid other bad ones.
Convenience: We get it, you’re busy, we all are and the crypto world moves at the speed of light so it can be hard for people to keep up with what’s happening. Pro is a convenient and easy-to-use service that gives you all the information you’ll need to succeed in the crypto space in one place. From new developments to fundamental and expert resources it’s all at your fingertips from any device, any time.
Accessibility: Athena Alpha Pro is accessible to people of all technical capabilities and ages. We assume no prior knowledge and have in depth resources that is separated into three different knowledge levels: Beginner, Advanced and Experts.
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Know what to do and what to watch out for, ensuring your funds stay safu
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Is there a free version of the newsletter?
We believe in equality, especially for those just starting out, which is why we offer both a Free option for those just starting out and a Pro membership for those wanting to get serious about buying, using and securely storing bitcoins
What will be covered in the newsletter?
Our core content is on Bitcoin, specifically What Is A Bitcoin, how to buy bitcoins, how to use Bitcoin Wallets and how to use and store your bitcoins for generational wealth. This is excellent for those who are just starting out or who aren’t really aware of all the amazing new capabilities Bitcoin already enables. Many of your peers are already using Bitcoin, you just going to sit there and miss out on the greatest wealth transfer in human history over the next 10 years? Of course not!
What’s the frequency of the content?
Free Posts: Once a month. Posted on Athena-Alpha.com + Substack
Paid Posts: Three per month. Pro subscribers drive the content, only on Substack
What do you get with Athena Alpha Pro?
Joining Pro doesn’t just get you access to more and better content, you also get to drive the future content and ask specific questions to help accelerate your personal Bitcoin Journey. Subscribe to Pro and get subscriber-only posts, instant access to the full archive of paid content, join the community, post comments and be able to request topics for upcoming posts